Westerkerkweg.nl Clientraw

The following table consist of about 167 data points that are actively updating from this Weather Station equipment to provide this site with data.

I've made a few changes to the default meteohub variables, these are mentioned in bold

Source: http://www.tnetweather.com/nb-0100.php
Field # Label Type/Unit Value Meteohub
0Beginning of fileLabel1234512345
1Avg SpeedKnots3.5 kts = 4.03 mph = 6.49 km/h = 1.8 m/s[actual_wind0_speed_kn:-]
2GustsKnots1.7 kts = 1.96 mph = 3.15 km/h = 0.88 m/s[actual_wind0_gustspeed_kn:-]
3WindDirCompass123° (ESE)[actual_wind0_dir_deg:-]
4Outside tempCelsius8.8°C = 47.8°F[actual_th0_temp_c:-]
5Outside HumidityPercent88 %[actual_th0_hum_rel:-]
6BarometerhPa- hPa = 0 inHg[actual_thb0_sealevel_hpa:-]
7Daily RainMillimeters0.00 mm = 0 in[day1_rain0_total_mm:-]
8Monthly RainMillimeters7.80 mm = 0.31 in{mathmax [month1_rain0_total_mm:0] [day1_rain0_total_mm:0]}
9Yearly RainMillimeters308.80 mm = 12.16 in{mathmax [year1_rain0_total_mm:0] [month1_rain0_total_mm:0] [day1_rain0_total_mm:0]}
10Rain RateMillimeters0.00 mm = 0 in{math* [actual_rain0_rate_mm:0]0.01666}
11Max Rain RateMillimeters0.00 mm = 0 in{math* [day1_rain0_ratemax_mm:0]0.01666}
12Indoor TempCelsius-°C = 32.0°F[actual_thb0_temp_c:-]
13Indoor HumPercent- %[actual_thb0_hum_rel:-]
14Soil TempCelsius (Optional)-°C = 32.0°F[actual_???_temp_c:-]
15Forecast IconIcon- ()[actual_thb0_fc_wdlive:-]
16WMR968 Extra TempCelsius-°C = 32.0°F-
17WMR968 Extra HumPercent- %-
18WMR968 Extra SensorNumber00
19Yesterday RainMillimeters0.00 mm = 0 in[seqday1_rain0_totalcumul_mm@1:-]
20Extra Temp Sensor 1Celsius (Optional)-°C = 32.0°F[actual_th1_temp_c:-]
21Extra Temp Sensor 2Celsius (Optional)-°C = 32.0°F[actual_???_temp_c:-]
22Extra Temp Sensor 3Celsius (Optional)-°C = 32.0°F[actual_???_temp_c:-]
23Extra Temp Sensor 4Celsius (Optional)-°C = 32.0°F[actual_???_temp_c:-]
24Extra Temp Sensor 5Celsius (Optional)-°C = 32.0°F[actual_thb0_temp_c:-]
25Extra Temp Sensor 6Celsius (Optional)-°C = 32.0°F[actual_thb1_temp_c:-]
26Extra Hum Sensor 1Percent (Optional)- %[actual_th1_hum_rel:-]
27Extra Hum Sensor 2Percent (Optional)- %[actual_???_hum_rel:-]
28Extra Hum Sensor 3Percent (Optional)- %[actual_???_hum_rel:-]
29HourTime (Format depends on WD Setting)05[actual_date0_hour_local:-]
30MinuteTime (Format depends on WD Setting)34[actual_date0_min_local:-]
31SecondsTime (Format depends on WD Setting)01[actual_date0_sec_local:-]
32Station NameLabelVenhuizen-05:34Venhuizen-[actual_date0_hour_local:-]: [actual_date0_min_local:-]
33Dallas Lighting CountNumber00
34Solar ReadingNumber-[actual_sol4_radiation_rel:-]
37WMR968 batt1Percent (Optional)- %-
38WMR968 batt2Percent (Optional)- %-
39WMR968 batt3Percent (Optional)- %-
40WMR968 batt4Percent (Optional)- %-
41WMR968 batt5Percent (Optional)- %-
42WMR968 batt6Percent (Optional)- %-
43WMR968 batt7Percent (Optional)- %-
44WindChillCelsius9.3°C = 48.7°F[actual_wind0_chill_c:-]
45HumidexCelsius8.8°C = 47.8°F[actual_th0_humidex_c:-]
46Max Day TempCelsius9.9°C = 49.8°F[day1_th0_tempmax_c:-]
47Min Day TempCelsius8.7°C = 47.7°F[day1_th0_tempmin_c:-]
48Icon TypeIcon- ()[actual_thb0_fc_wdlive:-]
49Weather DescLabel-[actual_thb0_fc_text&:_]
50Baro TrendhPa0 hPa = 0 inHg[last60m_thb0_press_trend:0]
51Windspeed Hour 01Knots (Used for Windspeed Chart)2.9 kts = 3.34 mph = 5.37 km/h = 1.49 m/s[seqhour1_wind0_speed_kn@1:-]
52Windspeed Hour 02Knots (Used for Windspeed Chart)3.2 kts = 3.68 mph = 5.93 km/h = 1.65 m/s[seqhour1_wind0_speed_kn@2:-]
53Windspeed Hour 03Knots (Used for Windspeed Chart)3.3 kts = 3.8 mph = 6.12 km/h = 1.7 m/s[seqhour1_wind0_speed_kn@3:-]
54Windspeed Hour 04Knots (Used for Windspeed Chart)3.7 kts = 4.26 mph = 6.86 km/h = 1.9 m/s[seqhour1_wind0_speed_kn@4:-]
55Windspeed Hour 05Knots (Used for Windspeed Chart)3.4 kts = 3.92 mph = 6.3 km/h = 1.75 m/s[seqhour1_wind0_speed_kn@5:-]
56Windspeed Hour 06Knots (Used for Windspeed Chart)2.3 kts = 2.65 mph = 4.26 km/h = 1.18 m/s[seqhour1_wind0_speed_kn@6:-]
57Windspeed Hour 07Knots (Used for Windspeed Chart)3.9 kts = 4.49 mph = 7.23 km/h = 2.01 m/s[seqhour1_wind0_speed_kn@7:-]
58Windspeed Hour 08Knots (Used for Windspeed Chart)3.7 kts = 4.26 mph = 6.86 km/h = 1.9 m/s[seqhour1_wind0_speed_kn@8:-]
59Windspeed Hour 09Knots (Used for Windspeed Chart)3.5 kts = 4.03 mph = 6.49 km/h = 1.8 m/s[seqhour1_wind0_speed_kn@9:-]
60Windspeed Hour 10Knots (Used for Windspeed Chart)4.0 kts = 4.61 mph = 7.41 km/h = 2.06 m/s[seqhour1_wind0_speed_kn@10:-]
61Windspeed Hour 11Knots (Used for Windspeed Chart)3.6 kts = 4.15 mph = 6.67 km/h = 1.85 m/s[seqhour1_wind0_speed_kn@11:-]
62Windspeed Hour 12Knots (Used for Windspeed Chart)3.8 kts = 4.38 mph = 7.04 km/h = 1.96 m/s[seqhour1_wind0_speed_kn@12:-]
63Windspeed Hour 13Knots (Used for Windspeed Chart)4.3 kts = 4.95 mph = 7.97 km/h = 2.21 m/s[seqhour1_wind0_speed_kn@13:-]
64Windspeed Hour 14Knots (Used for Windspeed Chart)3.5 kts = 4.03 mph = 6.49 km/h = 1.8 m/s[seqhour1_wind0_speed_kn@14:-]
65Windspeed Hour 15Knots (Used for Windspeed Chart)2.7 kts = 3.11 mph = 5 km/h = 1.39 m/s[seqhour1_wind0_speed_kn@15:-]
66Windspeed Hour 16Knots (Used for Windspeed Chart)2.8 kts = 3.22 mph = 5.19 km/h = 1.44 m/s[seqhour1_wind0_speed_kn@16:-]
67Windspeed Hour 17Knots (Used for Windspeed Chart)2.9 kts = 3.34 mph = 5.37 km/h = 1.49 m/s[seqhour1_wind0_speed_kn@17:-]
68Windspeed Hour 18Knots (Used for Windspeed Chart)3.1 kts = 3.57 mph = 5.75 km/h = 1.6 m/s[seqhour1_wind0_speed_kn@18:-]
69Windspeed Hour 19Knots (Used for Windspeed Chart)2.4 kts = 2.76 mph = 4.45 km/h = 1.24 m/s[seqhour1_wind0_speed_kn@19:-]
70Windspeed Hour 20Knots (Used for Windspeed Chart)0.9 kts = 1.04 mph = 1.67 km/h = 0.46 m/s[seqhour1_wind0_speed_kn@20:-]
71Max Wind GustKnots (Used for Windspeed Chart)10.5 kts = 12.09 mph = 19.46 km/h = 5.41 m/s[day1_wind0_gustspeedmax_kn:-]
72DewPoint TempCelsius6.9°C = 44.4°F[actual_th0_dew_c:-]
73Cloud HeightFeet760 ft = 231.65 m[actual_th0_cloudheight_ft:0]
74DateLabel (Format depends on WD Setting)06/10/2024[actual_date0_puredate_local#AB:-]/ [actual_date0_puredate_local#DE:-]/ [actual_date0_puredate_local#GJ:-]
75Max HumidexCelsius10.0°C = 50.0°F[day1_th0_humidexmax_c:-]
76Min HumidexCelsius8.6°C = 47.5°F[day1_th0_humidexmin_c:-]
77Max WindchillCelsius10.4°C = 50.7°F[day1_wind0_chillmax_c:-]
78Min WindchillCelsius6.5°C = 43.7°F[day1_wind0_chillmin_c:-]
79Davis VP UVNumber (Optional)-[actual_???_index:-]
80Hr Windspeed 01Knots2.9 kts = 3.34 mph = 5.37 km/h = 1.49 m/s[seqhour1_wind0_speed_kn@1:-]
81Hr Windspeed 02Knots3.2 kts = 3.68 mph = 5.93 km/h = 1.65 m/s[seqhour1_wind0_speed_kn@2:-]
82Hr Windspeed 03Knots3.3 kts = 3.8 mph = 6.12 km/h = 1.7 m/s[seqhour1_wind0_speed_kn@3:-]
83Hr Windspeed 04Knots3.7 kts = 4.26 mph = 6.86 km/h = 1.9 m/s[seqhour1_wind0_speed_kn@4:-]
84Hr Windspeed 05Knots3.4 kts = 3.92 mph = 6.3 km/h = 1.75 m/s[seqhour1_wind0_speed_kn@5:-]
85Hr Windspeed 06Knots2.3 kts = 2.65 mph = 4.26 km/h = 1.18 m/s[seqhour1_wind0_speed_kn@6:-]
86Hr Windspeed 07Knots3.9 kts = 4.49 mph = 7.23 km/h = 2.01 m/s[seqhour1_wind0_speed_kn@7:-]
87Hr Windspeed 08Knots3.7 kts = 4.26 mph = 6.86 km/h = 1.9 m/s[seqhour1_wind0_speed_kn@8:-]
88Hr Windspeed 09Knots3.5 kts = 4.03 mph = 6.49 km/h = 1.8 m/s[seqhour1_wind0_speed_kn@9:-]
89Hr Windspeed 10Knots4.0 kts = 4.61 mph = 7.41 km/h = 2.06 m/s[seqhour1_wind0_speed_kn@10:-]
90Hr Temp 01Celsius8.9°C = 48.0°F[seqhour1_th0_temp_c@1:-]
91Hr Temp 02Celsius9.1°C = 48.4°F[seqhour1_th0_temp_c@2:-]
92Hr Temp 03Celsius9.3°C = 48.7°F[seqhour1_th0_temp_c@3:-]
93Hr Temp 04Celsius9.6°C = 49.3°F[seqhour1_th0_temp_c@4:-]
94Hr Temp 05Celsius9.8°C = 49.6°F[seqhour1_th0_temp_c@5:-]
95Hr Temp 06Celsius10.1°C = 50.2°F[seqhour1_th0_temp_c@6:-]
96Hr Temp 07Celsius10.4°C = 50.7°F[seqhour1_th0_temp_c@7:-]
97Hr Temp 08Celsius10.7°C = 51.3°F[seqhour1_th0_temp_c@8:-]
98Hr Temp 09Celsius11.5°C = 52.7°F[seqhour1_th0_temp_c@9:-]
99Hr Temp 10Celsius12.4°C = 54.3°F[seqhour1_th0_temp_c@10:-]
100Hr Rain 01Millimeters0.00 mm = 0 in[seqhour1_rain0_total_mm@1:-]
101Hr Rain 02Millimeters0.00 mm = 0 in[seqhour1_rain0_total_mm@2:-]
102Hr Rain 03Millimeters0.00 mm = 0 in[seqhour1_rain0_total_mm@3:-]
103Hr Rain 04Millimeters0.00 mm = 0 in[seqhour1_rain0_total_mm@4:-]
104Hr Rain 05Millimeters0.00 mm = 0 in[seqhour1_rain0_total_mm@5:-]
105Hr Rain 06Millimeters0.00 mm = 0 in[seqhour1_rain0_total_mm@6:-]
106Hr Rain 07Millimeters0.00 mm = 0 in[seqhour1_rain0_total_mm@7:-]
107Hr Rain 08Millimeters0.00 mm = 0 in[seqhour1_rain0_total_mm@8:-]
108Hr Rain 09Millimeters0.00 mm = 0 in[seqhour1_rain0_total_mm@9:-]
109Hr Rain 10Millimeters0.00 mm = 0 in[seqhour1_rain0_total_mm@10:-]
110Max Heat IndexCelsius9.9°C = 49.8°F[day1_th0_heatindexmax_c:-]
111Min Heat IndexCelsius8.7°C = 47.7°F[day1_th0_heatindexmin_c:-]
112Heat IndexCelsius8.8°C = 47.8°F[actual_th0_heatindex_c:-]
113Max Avg SpeedKnots4.3 kts = 4.95 mph = 7.97 km/h = 2.21 m/s[day1_wind0_speedmax_kn:-]
114Lighting Last MinNumber00
115Lighting Last Time HourTime__
116Lighting Last Time MinTime__
117Wind Avg DirCompass112.5° (ESE)[day1_wind0_maindir_deg:-]
118Nexstorm DistNumber__
119NextStorm BearingCompass0° (N)0
120Extra Temp Sensor 7Celsius (Optional)-°C = 32.0°F[actual_th2_temp_c:-]
121Extra Temp Sensor 8Celsius (Optional)-°C = 32.0°F[actual_th3_temp_c:-]
122Extra Hum Sensor 4Percent (Optional)- %[actual_???_hum_rel:-]
123Extra Hum Sensor 5Percent (Optional)- %[actual_thb0_hum_rel:-]
124Extra Hum Sensor 6Percent (Optional)- %[actual_thb1_hum_rel:-]
125Extra Hum Sensor 7Percent (Optional)- %[actual_th2_hum_rel:-]
126Extra Hum Sensor 8Percent (Optional)- %[actual_th3_hum_rel:-]
127VP SolarwmNumber0.0[actual_sol4_radiation_wqm:-]
128Max InTempCelsius-°C = 32.0°F[day1_thb0_tempmax_c:-]
129Min InTempCelsius-°C = 32.0°F[day1_thb0_tempmin_c:-]
130Apparent TempCelsius-°C = 32.0°F-
131Max BarohPa- hPa = 0 inHg[day1_thb0_sealevelmax_hpa:-]
132Min BarohPa- hPa = 0 inHg[day1_thb0_sealevelmin_hpa:-]
133Max GustKnots10.5 kts = 12.09 mph = 19.46 km/h = 5.41 m/s[hour1_wind0_gustspeedmax_kn:-]
134Max Gust Last Hour TimeTime05:22[last60m_wind0_gustspeedmax_time#IJ]:[last60m_wind0_gustspeedmax_time#KL]
135Max Gust Today TimeTime05:22[day1_wind0_gustspeedmax_time#IJ]:[day1_wind0_gustspeedmax_time#KL]
136Max Apparent TempCelsius-°C = 32.0°F-
137Min Apparent TempCelsius-°C = 32.0°F-
138Max Dew PtCelsius7.3°C = 45.1°F[day1_th0_dewmax_c:-]
139Min Dew PtCelsius6.7°C = 44.1°F[day1_th0_dewmin_c:-]
140Max Gust In Lst MinKnots3.6 kts = 4.15 mph = 6.67 km/h = 1.85 m/s[seqmin1_wind0_gustspeed_kn@1:-.-]
141Current YearTime2024[actual_date0_year_local:-]
142THSWSLabel (If enabled in WD)__
143Temp Trend (Logic)Bool0[last60m_th0_temp_trend:0]
144Humidity Trend (Logic)Bool0[last60m_th0_hum_trend:0]
145Humidex Trend (Logic)Bool0[last60m_th0_humidex_trend:0]
146Hr Wind Dir 01Compass135° (SE)[seqhour1_wind0_maindir_deg@1:-]
147Hr Wind Dir 02Compass135° (SE)[seqhour1_wind0_maindir_deg@2:-]
148Hr Wind Dir 03Compass113° (ESE)[seqhour1_wind0_maindir_deg@3:-]
149Hr Wind Dir 04Compass113° (ESE)[seqhour1_wind0_maindir_deg@4:-]
150Hr Wind Dir 05Compass113° (ESE)[seqhour1_wind0_maindir_deg@5:-]
151Hr Wind Dir 06Compass135° (SE)[seqhour1_wind0_maindir_deg@6:-]
152Hr Wind Dir 07Compass90° (E)[seqhour1_wind0_maindir_deg@7:-]
153Hr Wind Dir 08Compass90° (E)[seqhour1_wind0_maindir_deg@8:-]
154Hr Wind Dir 09Compass90° (E)[seqhour1_wind0_maindir_deg@9:-]
155Hr Wind Dir 10Compass90° (E)[seqhour1_wind0_maindir_deg@10:-]
156Leaf WetnessCelsius (Optional)-°C = 32.0°F-
157Soil moistureCelsius (Optional)-°C = 32.0°F-
15810 Min Avg Wind SpeedKnots3.5 kts = 4.03 mph = 6.49 km/h = 1.8 m/s[actual_wind0_speed_kn:-]
159Wet bulb temperatureCelsius-°C = 32.0°F-
160Latitude (- for southern hemisphere)Time52.666389[actual_station_latitude_decimal:-]
161Longitude (- for EAST of GMT)Time-5.20[actual_station_longitude_decimal:-]
1629am Rain Reset TotalMillimeters- mm = 0 in-
163Daily Hi HumidityPercent88.0 %[day1_th0_hummax_rel:-]
164Daily Low HumidityPercent83.0 %[day1_th0_hummin_rel:-]
165Midnight Rain Reset totalMillimeters- mm = 0 in-
166Time of daily low windchillTime05:22[day1_wind0_chillmin_time#IJ]:[day1_wind0_chillmin_time#KL]
167WD Version - End of fileLabel (Example: !!C10.37f!! )!!C10.37Of!! !!C10.37Of!!

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